Give me a Hug
Amidst the snow and emotional disarray,
I once met a stranger on a battered winter day.
Seemingly timid by nature, he was both bold and strong.
Where other fools floundered, he picked up and carried on.
With the warm touch of his hand and blue-eyed glance,
he made discord fade and gave his smile a chance
to warm all around him with sweetness and light
and chase away the shadows that threaten at night.
Despite the trials and fear that test his strength;
he holds the accursed villains at long arms’ length.
Within and without he has a beauty that shines;
and a sensitivity reaching out that touches and binds.
I came here a stranger but by weekend’s end,
I discovered in my heart a unique and special friend.
I once met a stranger on a battered winter day.
Seemingly timid by nature, he was both bold and strong.
Where other fools floundered, he picked up and carried on.
With the warm touch of his hand and blue-eyed glance,
he made discord fade and gave his smile a chance
to warm all around him with sweetness and light
and chase away the shadows that threaten at night.
Despite the trials and fear that test his strength;
he holds the accursed villains at long arms’ length.
Within and without he has a beauty that shines;
and a sensitivity reaching out that touches and binds.
I came here a stranger but by weekend’s end,
I discovered in my heart a unique and special friend.